Eligibility Policy

Last updated: 21 August 2024


    Although TAB New Zealand (TAB NZ), trading as “The Bobby Foundation”, will predominantly use its Class 4 gambling proceeds for the ongoing support of the New Zealand racing industry through the promotion, conduct and control of race meetings, we will also help support the wider communities of New Zealand through amateur sports grant funding.

    The Bobby Foundation operates a ‘Sports’ Authorised Purposes, determining the use of such grant funding, and will distribute ‘up to’ 20% of its Class 4 gambling proceeds each year under the ‘Sports’ Authorised Purposes.


    The purpose of this policy is help aid potential applicants with the eligibility requirements and the prioritisation set for funding under the ‘Sports’ Authorised Purposes.

    The Bobby Foundation ‘Sports’ Authorised Purpose

    To encourage active participation in New Zealand amateur sports (being sports listed on the Sport New Zealand website) by assisting the following categories of bona fide New Zealand clubs and organisations:

    • individual amateur sports clubs or similar organisations at a local or regional level whose members participate in amateur sport.

    • regional or national amateur sports organisations to which individual amateur local sports clubs or similar organisations are affiliated or otherwise formally aligned.

    • local, regional or national organisations which facilitate the active participation in New Zealand amateur sports through the provision of, for example, sports facilities, sports tuition or match or competition refereeing or umpiring.

    • other regional or national organisations which facilitate the active participation in New Zealand amateur sports by providing general co-ordination and oversight of, or other assistance to, one or more sports and/or all clubs or organisations participating in one or more sports.

    Such assistance to amateur sports clubs and organisations may be provided to a club or organisation for an individual team or teams or for more general purposes and may take the form of the funding of all or part of the actual and reasonable cost of items such as (but not limited to) sports equipment, playing uniforms, refereeing/umpiring uniforms and ground hire and all or part of the actual and reasonable expenses of individual teams participating in national tournaments with kindred groups.

    ‘Sports’ Authorised Purpose Eligibility Requirements

    To be eligible for consideration for funding assistance, an amateur sports club or organisation must meet the following requirements, that apply to the relevant category of club or organisation:

    • for all categories (1-4), it is a registered New Zealand charity and/or is registered as an incorporated society or as another legal entity.

    • in the case of a club or organisation referred to in (1), its membership is open to the members of the public.

    • in the case of an organisation referred to in (2-4), its facilities or services benefit persons who are members of the public or who are members of clubs or organisations which are open to members of the public.

    • in the case of a club or organisation referred to in (1, 2 or 4), it is directly or indirectly affiliated with a sports organisation referred to on the Sport New Zealand website.

    • for all categories (1-4), the relevant sport has standards and/or rules which have been established by a national body or an international body and which are applicable to those who participate in the sport in New Zealand; and

    • for all categories (1-4), there are significant New Zealand regional and/or national competitions for the relevant sport.

    ‘Sports’ Authorised Purpose Prioritisation of Funding

    As there are a limited amount of net proceeds available, The Bobby Foundation wishes to ensure that the funding is utilised in the most ‘beneficial’ way.

    Therefore, The Bobby Foundation is more likely to favour and prioritise grant applications that seek funding for costs associated with and/or the enabling of the direct participation in sporting activities.

    For example, higher prioritisation will be given to grant applications that relate to:

    • pooled resources like player’s equipment and/or playing uniforms.

    • the purchase, maintenance or repair of playing surfaces and/or equipment.

    • the hiring of sporting facilities or grounds.

    • the travel and/or accommodation costs associated with participating in domestic tournaments.

    Further to this.

    • Grant applicants that have made an effort to raise funds themselves or have made personal contributions to the total cost of the project/purpose (i.e. not requesting 100% of the total cost) will likely be considered more favourably.

    • Grant applications seeking funding for costs relating to the general ‘administration’ of a Club’s activities and/or the purchase, maintenance or repair of assets that are not directly related to the participation in sporting activities, are unlikely to be approved.

    It is strongly encouraged that applications should only be made for activities or items that would not be possible without additional grant funding.

    General ‘Sports’ Authorised Purposes Grant Criteria:

    • The grant must benefit amateur participants only.

    • The purpose of the grant must not be for a purpose for which the New Zealand Government is obligated to satisfy.

    • All costs applied for by the applicant must be for a specific and future purpose.

    • The applicant may not use a different supplier than the one for which a quote has been provided without the prior written approval of The Bobby Foundation.

    • The allocation is made as a grant, on the condition that no procuration fee, commission and/or discount has or will be paid to any person and that no identifiable direct benefit arises or may arise in the form of a supply of goods and services to any party involved as a result of the payment being made.

    • The Bobby Foundation requires that an acknowledgment of the grant be completed and returned to The Bobby Foundation, once the funds have been received by the recipient organisation.

    • Any grant made by The Bobby Foundation under the ‘Sports’ Authorised Purposes does not include Goods and Services Tax (GST).

    • Any uniforms and equipment purchased from a grant must remain property of the organisation.

    • Applications must be received in a timely manner prior to the Net Proceeds Committee Meeting, as listed on The Bobby Foundations website.

    • The frequency and value of previously approved grants within a calendar year for the grant applicant will be taken into consideration for each new grant application.

    • Applicants with outstanding accountability work will be automatically deemed a low priority for funding, and The Bobby Foundation reserves the right to not present applications to the Net Proceeds Committee for consideration until the outstanding accountability work is finalised’.

    • Where multiple applications are received from similar entities attending similar tournaments, all efforts will be made to be consistent with how each application is considered.

    • In situations where a grant application is part of a larger grand total amount, some of which is yet to be raised, but the application received, if granted, will then help to raise the balance required, The Bobby Foundation can make this grant conditional on the raising and/or draw down of the other monies required.

    • The Bobby Foundation reserves the right to defer grant applications to a future Net Proceeds Committee Meeting where, and if appropriate, subject to available funding and other time critical grant applications.

    • Grant applications for (applicable) ongoing or repetitive expenses will be considered on a case-by­case basis for a maximum period of one year. There will be no expectation that future grant requests will be approved.

    • Grant applications for travel and accommodation costs for teams attending national tournaments will be considered, provided the costs are actual and reasonable and an official invitation or itinerary endorsed by the host's national body is supplied.

    • Grant applications to assist with the purchase of purpose-built trailers or similar vehicles to transport specific sporting equipment will be considered.

    • Grant applications to assist with the modification of a vehicle will generally only be considered in exceptional circumstances for disadvantaged groups who require mobility to assist their members. Vehicles would generally be specially modified and ownership must remain in the hands of the applicant organisation.

    • The Bobby Foundation will make a conscious effort to return funding to the general area in which it was generated, subject to actual applications received throughout the year.

    Prohibited Funding

    No funding will be approved for the following requests:

    • Any requests in connection with any league/tournament TAB NZ offers sports betting.

    • Any National Sporting Organisation with a contractual betting agreement in place (or otherwise planned) with TAB NZ receiving a ‘significant’ sports betting commission.

    • Any Salaries and/or wages.

    • Any International travel and/or accommodation.

    • Any standard operating costs (utilities, insurances or rates etc.)

    • Any retrospective expenditure/costs and/or events.

    • Any professional sports persons or sports teams/an individual sports person – (unless, the grant is made to, and administered by a bona fide amateur sports organisation to which the individual is affiliated. If the individual is participating in an event, that attracts prizes, all prizes must be forfeited to that sports organisation).

    • Any cash prizes or non-cash prizes (trophies/medals/ribbons/sashes etc.).

    • Any sports trips for supporters and/or general spectators.

    • Any dress/formal, training or promotional uniforms. Warm-up or wet-weather apparel, footwear, socks, individual gear bags OR other clothing that is NOT retained by the applicant organisation.

    • Any food/meal and/or alcohol costs (including catering expenses).

    • Any petrol costs (or other fuel charges - including vouchers).

    • Any expenses relating to an “after match” or “reunion” function.

    • Any bar/clubrooms related expenses (furniture, equipment or refurbishments).

    • Ant laundry costs, commercial gym fees or major medical costs.

    • Any privately owned organisation and/or ventures for personal gain.

    • Any non-affiliated or social sports clubs/teams, including those playing in corporate leagues.

    • Any trade tournaments or sporting events staged primarily for commercial publicity and/or the benefit of a select industry group.

    • Any sports facility operated for a commercial profit, (e.g. 10 Pin Bowling Centres, Billiard Parlours or 'Country Clubs') or any other clubs with closed memberships.

    General summary of Conditions

    • The submission of an application and/or previous successful funding or meeting the eligibility criteria, does in no way indicate a guaranteed favourable application outcome.

    • Approved grant funding must only ever be used for the specific purpose for which it was granted (including any instructions or conditions). Only items and Suppliers listed in the approval can be used.

    • If a change in supplier is required, the applicant MUST seek prior approval from The Bobby Foundation before proceeding.

    • Approved grant funding MUST be used within 3 months of the approval date, unless The Bobby Foundation expressly approves the extension of this requirement.

    • Payments must not be made on any item before the approval date. If this occurs, the payment will be deemed retrospective.

    • No portion of the approved grant funding can be used on Goods and Services Tax (GST), regardless of the GST registered status of the applicant.

    • Any items purchased with approved grant funding MUST remain the property of the applicant club/group.

    • Funds must be spent from the account for which the approved grant funds were deposited. You MAY NOT use the funds to reimburse any employee or member of the organisation for money spent on the Approved Specific Purpose. This includes payments made by personal credit cards.

    • Any grant money which is underspent or not spent on the purpose approved, must be returned to The Bobby Foundation.

    • Grant Accountability, including copies of invoices, receipts and bank statements must be provided to TAB NZ within 3 months of the grant being made to verify that the grant has been used in accordance with the purpose approved.

    • The applicant agrees to comply with any request from an officer of the Department of Internal Affairs and/or a The Bobby Foundation representative for additional information in relation to how the monies received from us have been spent.